

3.求09年春晚小品《北京欢迎你》 的台词(英文版最好)

4.帮我翻译 谢谢谢谢 要准确




初二上Follow me


1 give you some advice

2 write emails message to each other

3 correct the mistakes

4 check your vocabulary

5 listen to the radio in English

6 translate every word

7 do some concerts

8 make some mistakes

9 he a pen fridens

10 ask for advice

11 ask for help

12 improve one’s English

13 start / he a conversation

14 take a deep breath

15 count the number English word

16 make a list

17 make friends with sb

18 play a few games

19 invite sb to do sth

20 practure speaking English

21 get good / bad marks

22 make an English study plan

23 choose the correct answer

24 help sb with / do sth

25 forget to do

forget doing

26 remember to do

remember doing

27 the correct spelling

28 the meaning of the new words

29 the Language Doctor

30 the three basic questions

31 a foreign teacher

32 British accents

33 Engish language sites

34 film in English

35 for example

36 English around you

37 in class

38 in your notebook

39 in her school orchestra

40 in the street

41 on pieces of paper

42 on the Internet

43 on China Radio International

44 in the passage

45 in your hometown

46 in the order

47 all the time

48 spoken Engish

49 be good / bad for

50 be good / bad at

Module 1-2

1 he a dream

one’s dream come true

dream of / about doing sth

2 enter a competition

3 trel around the world

4 he / give a concert

5 show / take sb around

6 invite sb to visit sw

7 send sb sth

8 write a letter to sb

9 write down sb / sth

10 take photos of stone animals

11 stay with sb

12 match A and B

13 sound brillant / great

14 enjoy messages about life in Beijing

15 read today’s newspaper

16 climb the Great Wall

17 eat roost duck

18 try seafood

19 pick up sth

20 go abroad

21 take off

22 land safely at / in / on

23 ly to different places

24 live in another aountry

25 sell out

26 a fantastic holiday

27 a wonderful experience

28 trel brochure

29 on the west of the USA

30 again an again

31 test message

33 the prize of the ticket

34 the first prize

35 Back street Boys

36 Air China captain

37 Bye for now

38 Disneylnd theme park

39 entertainment programme

40 the Palace Museum

41 each year / every year

42 one day / someday

43 the house of my dreams

44 at the end

45 at the airport

46 in the cabin

47 in the seat

48 in Chinatown

49 in the hotel

50 in a concert

Module 3

1 journey to space

2 spaceship / spacetrel

3 space shuttle

4 space station

5 space trel

6 space mission

7 China’s first unmaned space trel

8 model plane

9 millions of years

10 the latest news

11 a long way away

12 anyone famous

13 as tell as

as fast as

as good as

as ols as

14 so far

15 the srarts at night

16 life on Earth

17 in our solar system space trel

18 in the Milkey Way

19 in our Galaxy

20 in the universe

21 in space

22 on business

23 on the moon

24 on Mars

25 on other planets

26 beyond the Solar system

27 the lastest three years

28 discover no life on the Mars

29 send message back to Earth

30 work on the space

31 feel lonely

32 live alone

33 get its name farm

34 is named after

35 return safely

36 write back

37 keep it secret

38 go around the sun

39 trel around

40 move around

41 turn around

42 cirde around

Module 4

1 a school for poor children

2 in fact

3 Project Hope

4 an eight-year-old boy

5 with the Help of

6 with the money

7 in China and abroad

8 a school with no electricity

9 because of

10 for 2 years = sine 2 years ago

11 get on well / badly with sb

12 hear about / of

13 drop out of school

14 stop going to school

15 pay + money for sth

16 pay sb + money + for sth

17 build schools and hospitals

18 train doctors and teachers

19 give 2.2 billion yuan

20 raise money for different project

21 grow fruit and coffee

22 a leafelt about the Hope School

23 ask sb for miney

24 take about education

25 describe life for poor family

26 point to / at

27 six point two

28 children and addtel

Module 5

1 types of music

2 modern

3 classical

4 traditional

5 pop

6 folk music ( dance / song )

7 jazz / rock / techno / rap gospel music

8 bules / light / music

9 Chinese and western music

10 a fan of music / music fan

11 play all types of instruments

12 play the piano / violin / guitar

13 play the drum / trumpet / organ

14 play Erhu

play / write for a classical music

15 write music / songs

16 make records / films

17 led by a conductor

18 bring Chinese and weatern music together

19 describe China to the rest of the world

20 a group of musicians

21 pieces of music

22 family of musicians

23 make sb / sth + adj

24 keep sb / sth + adj

25 bring westernand Chinese music together

when to play quietly / loudly

26 write and play music for

27 he lots of hit records

28 get a part-time job

29 get his own TV show

30 get one’s messages

31 check information

32 go to his neigbourhood church together

33 buy one string a month

34 practise after school

35 go on holiday

36 hear the phone

37 show …… around

38 give concert

39 die yound

40 make sure

41 a city on the river Danube

42 in the right places

43 the centre of European classical music

44 the capital city of Austria

45 a large group of musicians

46 popular culture

47 the main inseruments

Module 6

1 go / walk across the road / bridge / field

2 go walk through the forests

3 jump over the wall

4 ran past / by Alice

5 go to a tea party

6 he a farewell party

7 sea / hear / watch / notice / listen to

8 perfrom a story in class

9 lie in bed listening to music

10 smile at everyone

11 laugh at sb

12 he something / nothing to do

he notjing / something to do with

13 read a novel / a baak / a magazine

14 watch TV / football match

15 clap and cheer

Asventure stories

Famous stories

16 think of / about

17 get tired

18 get up

20 jump out of bed

21 take sth out of

22 try to find out

23 fall / go into a lauge hole

24 sit by the river

25 play with a ball

26 start reading alone

27 look into sth

28 come / get out again

29 make a daisy chain

30 make a just of famous English book

tell you the time

31 with out pictures or conversations

32 under the hedge

33 raddit with a pocket

34 a ribbit with pink eyes

35 nothing stange

36 something wrong

37 on the grass

38 in the garden

39 on one’s way to

40 during the way

Module 7

1 thank sb for sth

2 thanks for doing sth

3 say goodbye

4 say hello to each other

5 look people in the eye

6 the first time they meet

7miss sb very much

8 miss the early bus

9 find each other easily

10 go to the airport

11 make a strong impression on sb

12 he a feeling of cold

13 It’s polite to do sth

14 It’s rude to do sth

15 be angry with sb

16 angry at / about sth

17 be excited about

18 be proud of sb

19 can’t wait to do

20 introduce sb to

21 hear from sb = reseive a letter from sb

22 shake hands with sb

23 see sb off

24 go to sw to meet sb

25 do sth wrong = make some mistake

26 recognise sb from

27 stire at sb

28 he a try = want to go

29 be afraid of sth

be afraid to do sth

be afraid that

30 get ready for

get ready to do

31 in informal situations

32 wear jeans and T-shirt

33 carry warm coat

34 so much food

35 some cholocate

Module 8

1 on the right / left

2 in front of / behind

3 next to / near

4 in the middle / centre of

5 on / at / in the corner of

6 on the other side of


7 over there

8 between A and B

9 among

10 at the turning / crossing

11 at the traffic lights

12 at the square

13 at the station / bank

14 at the restaurant

15 at the flower shop

16 on a clear day

17 at the head of the aquare

18 at the end of the road

19 a museum with lots of famous paintings

20 the city’s oldest palace

21 the old fruit and vegetable market

22 around town

23 a map of London

24 on the map

25 the short tour of London

26 nine hurdred years old

27 the best way

28 street musicians

29 welcome to Beijing

30 go past the church

31 walk past past the church

31 walk past the station

32 get off / on …at the stop

33 turn right into

34 take the second turning on the left

35 go along the street

go straight ahead

go across the road

go through the forget

36 天安门广场


38 中国历史博物馆

39 中国革命博物馆

40 纪念堂

41 人民大会堂

42 冬宫

43 白金汉宫

44 汉会大厦


46 伦敦眼

47 塔桥

48 伦敦塔

49 圣彼得大教堂

50 圣彼得堡

51 国家画廊

52 自由女神像

53 悉尼歌剧院

54 白宫


56 圣彼得桥

Module 9

1 endangered animals

= animals indanger

2 nature research

3 WWF for Nature

4 for example

5 such as

6 as a result

7 if possible

8 the cause of the problem

9 for many different reasons

10 the symbol for

11 cut down forests

12 make a new plan

13 plant more bamboo

14 se and protect animals

15 take away the land ( forests )

16 design a poster

17 give an example

18 live in peace

19 become rare

20 mainly live on bamboo

21 protect the animals better

22 stop killing

23 kill the animals for their meat and sin

24 stop sb from doing sth

25 do some research of sth

26 provide sth for

27 pollute environment

28 he on food to eat

29 he enough land to live on

30 be excited to do sth

31 something safe

32 born in the zoo

33 orange and black

34 long and thin

35 tiger’s cousin

36 more and more

37 a long way to go

38 in the wild

39 in the sea / ocean

40 in Southwest China

41 too … to

not … enough

so … that

Module 10

1 in the twentieth century

in the 20th century

2 one day

someday / some day

3 too … to

4 as well as / too / also

5 not especially

6 almost improssible

7 on idea

8 be famous for

be known for

9 be full of

be filled with

10 be named a “People Artist ”

be named a “Gteat Master of Language ”

11 the centure of the neighbourhood

12 folk music

13 the South of Music

14 at the Teacher’s School

15 Great Teacher 600 BC-200 BC

16 Anti Japanese War

17 the Qing Dynasty

18 places of interest

19 sth special

20 main thing

21 between … and …

22 say goodbye to

23 say sorry to

24 say hello to

25 take an interest in

26 become interest in

27 give sb a warn / wonderful welcom

28 fall in love with sb

29 tell a story of

30 take place / hen

31 decide to stay longer

32 worry about / be worried about

33 offer to do sth

34 try to understand the word

35 agree with sb

36 agree on

37 see the centre as the neighbourhood

38 take good of / look after sbwell

39 see … as

regard as


1 from time to time

2 from beginning to end

3 from morning to end

4 from side to side

5 at the / this moment

6 freezing cold / really cold

7 sound great

8 be dark all day

9 be quite windy / sunny / rainy

10 get cooler and cooler

11 compared to / with

12 depend on

13 dring an umbrella with you

14 buy a good map

15 pay much for sth

16 stay in a hotel

17 take a shower

18 be + off + to + sw

= be king for + sw

= be going to

19 change quickil

20 choose sth carefully

21 walk in the countryside

22 want to trel

23 take photos of autumn lees

24 find our way to …

25 best of all

26 first of all

27 British Tourist Office

28 Spring Festival

29 be 2 kilometres away

30 had better do sth

31 be pleased to do

32 be pleasant to do

33 be a good idea to do

34 be the best time to do

35 It’s possible that…

36 It’s possible for sb to do sth

37 Sth / sb + will probably / possible + V

38 It’s great fun to do sth

39 It may be / must be / can be

40 It can’t

Module 12

1 traditional life

2 baseball cap

3 chess set

4 a Chinese family

5 same foreign guests

6 first name / given name

7 last name / family name

8 waste bin

9 at meals

10 at thedinning table

11 at the tables

12 at Spring Festival

13 at the party

14 on the pement

15 here and there

16 in time

17 on time 18 in red paper

19 with a pen

20 for the first time

21 for example

22 on the first day of the

23 lee China with a posspart

24 sings around the world

25 be different from

26 stop chatting

27 try one’s best

28 do some / the cleaning / washing

do some / the reading / running

29 drop litter

30 cut one’s hair

31 accept a present

32 give sb a present

33 hear from sb

= receive a letter from sb

= give a letter from sb

34 take off

35 can’t wait to do

36 look up … in …

37 shake hands with sb

38 drink tea with milk

39 see / hear sb do / doing

notice / watch sb do doing

40 a pair of chopsticks/ glasses

a pair of trousers / shoes / jeans / shorts / pants/ stockings / glove

41 get a move on

just wait and see

hang on

he a wedding

clean up bedroom

42 It’s bad / good luck

















1. 《在国家与社会之间:明清广东户籍赋税制度研究》,中山大学出版社,19

2. 《经营文化:中国社会单元的管理与运作》(与陈春声合作主编),香港教育出版公司,1999

3. 张声和家族文书,香港华南研究出版社,1999。

4. 《18-19世纪羊城风物——英国维多利亚阿伯特博物院藏广州外销画》,(与刘明倩合作主编),上海古籍出版社, 2003年

5. 《清代全史》第五卷(合作),辽宁人民出版社,1991年。

6. 《中国封建社会经济史(下卷)》(合作),武汉大学出版社,1993年。

7. 《梁方仲文集》(编),中山大学出版社,2004年版


1. 关于明代徭役制度的两点商榷, 《北京师范学院学报》, 1982年第四期。

2. 广东摊丁入地新论, 《中国经济史研究》, 1989年第一期。

3. 简论明清时期广东沙田的所有权, 《中山大学研究生学刊》, 1982年第一期。

4. 明代均徭中的银差与力差, 《中山大学研究生学刊》, 1982年第二期。

5. 明代市舶司迁移电白、澳门说质疑, 《广东史志》, 1986年第一期。

6. 明代一条鞭法改革前广东地区赋役制度考述, 《明清广东社会经济研究》,广东人民出版社, 1987,广州。

7. 明末潮州地方与“民”“盗”界限之模糊, 《潮学研究》, 第7辑,1998年。(与陈春声合作)

8. 明清时期广东仕宦开海思想的历史发展, 《学术研究》, 1986年第三期。(与戴和合作)

9. 明清时期广州城市经济的特色, 《广州研究》, 1986年第一期。

10. 明清珠江三角洲地区里甲制中“户”的衍变, 《中山大学学报》, 1988年第三期。

11. 清代后期广东丝织工场的个案研究, 《中国社会经济史研究》, 1987年第三期

12. 清代经济运行的两个特点——关于市场经济的论纲, 《中国经济史研究》, 1990年第三期。

13. 清代广东地区图甲制中的“总户”与“子户”, 《中国社会经济史研究》, 1991年第二期。

14. 明清珠江三角洲传统市场的发展, 《珠江三角洲经济发展回顾与前瞻》,中山大学出版社, 1992。(与陈春声合作)

15. 清代前期广东地区的里甲差役及其改革, 《十四世纪以来广东社会经济的发展》,广东高教出版社, 1992年

16. 略论清初税收管理中央集权体制的形成, 《中山大学史学集刊》(第一辑),广东人民出版社, 1992年。

17. 神明的正统性与地方化关于珠江三角洲北帝崇拜的一个解释, 《中山大学史学集刊》,第二集,广东人民出版社, 1994年。

18. 明代广东地区的“盗乱”与里甲制, 《中山大学史学集刊》(第三辑), 广东人民出版社,1995年。

19. 清末民初的乡村自治--沙湾《辛亥年经理乡族文件草部》介绍, 《庆祝王钟翰教授八十五暨韦庆远教授七十华诞学 术论文合集》,黄山书社, 1999。

20. 隆记茶行史事补, 广州博物馆编:《镇海楼论稿》,广州美术出版社, 1999。

21. 试论清代广东地区商品经济的发展, 《中国经济史研究》, 1988年第二期。

22. 系谱的重构及其意义:珠江三角洲一个宗族的个案分析, 《中国社会经济史研究》, 1992年第四期。

23. 宗族研究与社会科学中国化, 王宾和阿让?热?比松编:《狮在华夏——文化双向认识的策略问题》,中山大学出版社 , 1993。

24. Lineage on the Sands: The Case of Shawan, in Helen Siu & Did Faure ed. Down to Earth. Stanford University Press, Stanford 1995.

25. 大族阴影下的民间神祭祀:沙湾的北帝崇拜, 《寺庙与民间文化》,台湾:汉学研究中心出版, 1995年。

26. 移情与史学研究之境界----读《柳如是别传》,《柳如是别传与国学研究》,浙江人民出版社。1995年。(与陈春声合作)

27. 传说、附会与历史真实:珠江三角洲族谱中宗族历史的叙事结构及其意义, 《中国谱牒研究》,上海古籍出版社, 1999。

28. 地域空间中的国家秩序:珠江三角洲沙田-民田格局的形成, 《清史研究》, 1999年第2期。

29. 宗族与地方社会的国家认同——明清华南地区宗族发展的意识形态基础, 《历史研究》, 2000年第三期。(《历史研 究》五十年文选(社会史),北京社会科学文献出版社,2005年7月)。

30. 宗族与沙田开发——番禺沙湾何族的个案研究, 《中国农史》, 1992年第四期。

31. 族谱与文化认同——广东族谱中的口述传统, 《中华谱牒研究》, 上海科学技术文献出版社,2000年。

32. “虚席以待”背后:牛津大学聘任陈寅恪事续论, 《陈寅恪与二十世纪中国学术》, 2000年。

33. 祖先的世系与文化认同——关于明清时期广东地区家谱的几个问题, 纪宝坤等(编):《族谱与海外华人移民研究》,新加坡华裔馆, 2002。

34. 海外商业活动与乡族纽带——以沙滘楚旺房陈氏族谱为例, 纪宝坤等(编):《族谱与海外华人移民研究》,新加坡华裔馆, 2002。

35. Beyond the Imperial Metaphor: A Local History of the Beidi (Northern Emperor) Cult in the Pearl River Delta, Chinese Studies in History (Fall 2001), 2002.

36. 女性形象的重塑:姑嫂坟的传说,《二十世纪中国民俗学经典》,社会科学文献出版社,2002年。

37. 满天神佛:华南的神祗与俗世社会, 香港城市大学中国文化中心编:《岭南历史与社会》,香港城市大学出版社, 2003。ISBN962-937-086-7, 2003。

38. 边缘的中心——“沙田-民田”格局下的沙湾社区, 《中国乡村研究》,第一辑,商务印书馆,2003。ISBN7-100-03720-4, 2003。

39. 地域社会与文化的结构过程———珠江三角洲研究的历史学与人类学对话, 《历史研究》2003年第一期。

40. 大洲岛的神庙与社区关系,郑振满、陈春声主编《民间信仰与社会空间》,福建人民出版社,2003。

41. 宗族、市场、盗寇与蛋民——明以后珠江三角洲的族群与社会,《中国社会经济史研究》2004年第三期。(与萧凤霞合作)

42. 宗法、户籍与宗族——以大埔茶阳《饶氏族谱》为中心的讨论,《中山大学学报》2004年第四期。

43. 十八十九世纪广州洋人家庭的中国佣人,《史林》2004年第四期。(与程美宝合作)

44. 从域外寻找Canton,《广州艺术博物院院刊》2004年第一期。

45. Lineage, Market, Pirate, and Dan: Ethnicity in the Pearl River Aelta of South China, in Pamela Kyle Crossley, Helen F. Siu, Donald S. Sutton (Ed),Empire at the Margins: Culture, Ethnicity, and Frontier in Early Modern China,University of California Press,1995.(与萧凤霞合作)

46. 历史叙述与社会事实——珠江三角洲族谱的历史解读,《东吴历史学报》,第14期(2005年)。

47. 丛乡豪的历史到士人的记忆————由黄佐《自叙先世行状》看明代地方势力的转变,《历史研究》2006年第6期。


1. “移民”----户籍制下的神话,《华南研究资料中心通讯》第25期,2001年10月。

2. 《明清土地契约文书》评介, 《中国史研究》, 1990年第一期。(与叶显恩合作)

3. 《最早来华的摄影家》一文补正, 《历史大观园》, 1994年第6期。

4. 1987年广州国际清代区域经济史暨全国第四届清史学术讨论会纪要, 《清史研究通讯》, 1988年第二期。

5. Academics between communism and commerce, (美国)Academe Vol.85, No 4, 1999.7-8.(与程美宝合作)

6. 陈寅恪与“牛津”缘一面的真相----牛津大学聘请陈寅恪档案, 《明报月刊》, 1999年四月号(与程 美宝合作)

7. 从梁方仲教授的学术贡献看史学的功能, 《学术研究》, 1994年第5期。

8. 地方史研究的人文主义取向, 姜伯勤:《石濂大汕与澳门禅史》,学林出版社, 1999。

9. 读《梁方仲经济史论文集补编》, 《中国社会经济史研究》, 1985年第二期。(,与汤明 合作)

10. 对清代区域经济特点的探索, 《南方日报》, 1988年3月28日。

11. 纪念汤明燧教授学术报告会综述, 《广东学术通讯》, 1993.10-11

12. 嘉靖《增城县志》评介, 《广东史志》, 1986年第四期。

13. 揭示传统中国政治斗争的经济和文化内涵----读《明代政争探源》, 《广东社会科学》, 1992年第二 期。(与陈春声合作)

14. 经济史研究的科学化追求与人文关怀--读《市场机制与社会变迁--18世纪广东米价分析》, 《历 史研究》, 1994年第5期。(与郑振满合作)

15. 开放的历史及其现代启示——读《华南丝区:地方历史的变迁与世界体系理论》, 《农村经济与社会 》, 1988年第五期。

16. 理解传统中国“经济”应重视典章制度研究,《中国经济史研究》1996年第二期。(与陈春声合作)

17. 历史学本位的传统中国乡村社会研究, 中国历史学年鉴19,三联书店,1998年。(与陈春声合作)

18. 牛津与中国研究, 东方文化, 1996年第2期。

19. 评沈清松《创造性的对比与第三条路的探索》, 载周英雄、陈其南编《文化中国:理念与实践》,台北:允晨文化公司, 1994年出版。

20. 评郑振满:《明清福建家族组织与社会变迁》, 《东方文化》,香港大学亚洲研究中心, 1993第二期 。

21. 尚余孤瘦雪霜姿--汤明遂传略, 汤明燧文集, 广东人民出版社,1998。(与陈春声、戴和合作)

22. 社会主义与对外开放(笔谈), 开放时代, 1988年第一期。

23. 数字化时代的历史学教育, 中国高等教育, 2000.13,14期。

24. 提高理论思维能力,培养现代学术意识, 《改革与实践》,中山大学教务处编,中山大学出版社, 1999。(与陈春声合作)

25. 寻找香港文化的根源(从历史中寻找“香港文化”), 明报月刊, 19年1月号。与程美宝合作)

26. 应重视传统农业发展的社会空间, 《中国经济史研究》, 1994年第1期。9与陈春声合作)

27. 一份神诞活动的通告,《华南研究资料中心通讯》,第四期,1996.7.

28. 对《珠江三角洲田野考察介绍》的几点补充,《华南研究资料中心通讯》,第七期,19。附:答陈泽泓先生,《华南研究资料中心通讯》,第十期,1998。

29. 简介《许舒博士所藏张声和家族文书》,《华南研究资料中心通讯》,第八期,19。

30. 征求解读一张地契,《华南研究资料中心通讯》,第十期,1998。

31. 文化建设必须以学术与教育为本,《岭南学术论坛》2004年第四期。

32. 《区域、结构、秩序——历史学与人类学对话》特约评论人语,《文史哲》,2007年第五期。

求09年春晚小品《北京欢迎你》 的台词(英文版最好)



首先我要问大家一个问题: 上一回别人说你幼稚是什么时候? 像我这样的小孩, 可能经常会被人说成是幼稚。 每一次我们提出不合理的要求, 做出不负责任的行为, 或者展现出有别于 普通美国公民的惯常行为之时, 我们就被说成是幼稚。 这让我很不服气。 首先,让我们来回顾下这些: 帝国主义和殖民主义, 世界大战,小布什。 请你们扪心自问下:这些该归咎于谁?是大人。

而小孩呢,做了些什么? 安妮·弗兰克(Anne Frank)对大强有力的叙述 打动了数百万人的心。 鲁比·布里奇斯为美国种族隔离的终结作出了贡献。 另外,最近还有一个例子, 查理·辛普森(Charlie Simpson)骑自行车 为海地募得 12万英镑。 所以,这些例子证明了 年龄与行为完全没有关系。 "幼稚"这个词所对应的特点 是常常可以从大人身上看到, 由此我们在批评 不负责和非理性的相关行为时, 应停止使用这个年龄歧视的词。



话说回来,谁能说 我们这个世界不正是需要 某些类型的非理性思维吗? 也许你以前有过宏大的, 但却半途而废,心想: 这个不可能,或代价太高 或这对我不利。 不管是好是坏,我们小孩子 在思考不做某事的理由时,不太受这些考量的影响。 小孩可能会有满脑子的奇思妙想 和积极的想法, 例如我希望没有人挨饿 或者所有东西都是免费的,有点像乌托邦的理念。 你们当中有多少人还会有这样的梦想 并相信其可能性? 有时候对历史 及对乌托邦的了解, 可能是一种负担, 因为你知道如所有东西都是免费的, 食物储备会被清空, 而缺失将会导致混乱。 另一方面, 我们小孩还对完美抱有希望。 这是件好事,因为 要将任何事情变为现实, 你首先得心怀梦想。

在很多方面,我们的大胆想象 拓宽了可能性的疆界。 例如,华盛顿州塔可马市的玻璃博物馆, 我的家乡华盛顿州——你好! (掌声) 这个博物馆里有一个项目叫“儿童玻璃设计”, 小孩们自由创作自己的玻璃作品。 后来,驻馆艺术家说 他们所有的一些极佳灵感就来自这个项目, 因为小孩不去理会 吹出不同形状玻璃的难度限制 他们只是构思好的点子。 当说到玻璃的时候,你们可能 想到的是奇胡利(Chihuly)色彩丰富的玻璃设计 或意大利花瓶, 但小孩子敢于挑战玻璃艺术家,并超越他们 进入心碎蛇 和火腿男孩的领地——看到了吗,火腿男孩有“肉视力”哦 (笑声)

我们先天的智慧 堪比内行人的知识。 小孩已经从大人身上学到许多, 而我们也有很多东西可以和大人共享。 我认为大人应该开始向小孩学习。 听我演讲的观众大都是教育圈子里的, 这其中有老师和学生。我喜欢这个类比。 不应该只是老师站在教室讲台上 告诉学生做这个做那个。 学生亦应教育他们的老师。 成人和儿童之间 应该互相学习。 不幸的是,于现实里,情况是截然不同的。 这跟信任的关系很大,或者说是缺乏信任的结果。

如果你不信任某人,你就给他们设限,对吧。 如果我怀疑我姐姐没有能力 偿还我给她的上一笔的 百分之十的利息时, 我将要限制她再向我借钱, 直到她还清借款为止。(笑声) 顺便提一下,这是个真实的例子。 大人呢,似乎普遍地 对小孩持限制性的态度, 从学校手册里的 “不能做这个”、“不能做那个” 到学校互联网使用的各种限制性规定。 历史告诉我们,当政体害怕统治失控时, 它就会变得暴虐。 虽然大人可能不会 像独裁一样心狠手辣, 但小孩在制定规则方面是几乎没有话语权的。 而正确的态度应该是两者相互尊重的, 也就是说成人群体应该了解 并认真对待年幼群体的 愿望。

然而比限制更糟糕的是, 大人常常低估小孩的能力。 我们喜欢挑战,但如大人对我们期望很低的话, 说真的,我们就会不思进取。 我自己的父母对我和姐姐 抱很高的期望。 当然,他们没有让我们立志成为医生 或律师诸如此类的, 但我爸经常读 关于亚里斯多德 和先锋细菌斗士的故事给我们听, 而其他小孩大多听的是 《公车的轮子转呀转》。 其实我们也有听这个,但《先锋细菌斗士》实在是比那个强多了。 (笑声)

四岁的时候我就喜欢上写作, 六岁的时候, 我妈给我买了台装有微软Word软件的个人手提电脑。 谢谢你比尔·盖茨!也谢谢你,妈咪! 我用那个小手提电脑 写了300多篇短篇故事, 而且我想发表我的作品。 一个小孩想发表作品 这简直是天方夜谭,但我父母没有嘲笑我, 也没有说等你长大点儿再说, 他们非常支持我。 但是很多出版社的回应让人失望。 颇具讽刺意味的是,一个很大的儿童出版社说, 他们不跟儿童打交道。 儿童出版社不跟儿童打交道? 怎么说呢,你这是在怠慢一个大客户嘛。 (笑声) 有一个出版商,行动出版社 愿意给我一个机会, 并倾听我想说的话。 他们出版了我的第一本书《飞舞的手指》——就是这个—— 那以后,我到数百个学校去演讲, 给数千个老师作主题演讲, 最后,在今天,给你们作演讲。

我感谢你们今天听我演讲, 因为你们会倾听我, 这证明你们真的在乎。 但小孩比大人强得多的这幅乐观图景 是存在一个问题的。 小孩会长大并变成像你们一样的大人。 (笑声) 跟你们一样,真的吗? 我们的目标不是让小孩变成你们这样的大人, 而是比你们强的大人。 考虑到你们都这么了不起, 这可能颇具挑战性。 但进步 是因新的一代人和新的时期而发生, 不断的进步和发展,并超越之前的年代。 这就是为什么我们不再处于黑暗时代。 不管在生活中你的位置在哪里, 你必须给孩子创造机会。 这样他们才能成长并让你扬眉吐气。 (笑声)

大人和TED观众们, 你们需要倾听并向小孩学习, 信任我们和对我们怀有更高的期望。 今天你们需要聆听, 因为我们是明天的领导, 这意味着当你们年老体衰时, 我们会照顾你们。哈,只是开玩笑了。 确实,我们将成为推动世界前进 的下一代人。 而且,如你认为这对你没有意义的话, 不要忘了克隆是可能的, 而这意味着童年可以重来, 这种情况下,像我们这一代人一样, 你也会希望大人倾听你们的心声。 世界需要产生新的*** 和新想法的机会。 小孩需要机会去领导和取得成功。 你准备好去促成这一切了吗? 因为这个世界的问题, 不应该是人类家庭的传家宝。

谢谢你们! (掌声) 谢谢!谢谢!

Now, I want to start with a question: When was the last time you were called childish? For kids like me, being called childish can be a frequent occurrence. Every time we make irrational demands, exhibit irresponsible behior, or display any other signs of being normal American citizens, we are called childish, which really bothers me. After all, take a look at these events: Imperialism and colonization, world wars, George W. Bush. Ask yourself: Who's responsible? Adults.

Now, what he kids done? Well, Anne Frank touched millions with her powerful account of the Holocaust, Ruby Bridges helped end segregation in the United States, and, most recently, Charlie Simpson helped to raise 120,000 pounds for Haiti on his little bike. So, as you can see evidenced by such examples, age has absolutely nothing to do with it. The traits the word childish addresses are seen so often in adults that we should abolish this age-discriminatory word when it comes to criticizing behior associated with irresponsibility and irrational thinking.


Thank you.

Then again, who's to say that certain types of irrational thinking aren't exactly what the world needs? Maybe you've had grand plans before, but stopped yourself, thinking: That's impossible or that costs too much or that won't benefit me. For better or worse, we kids aren't hampered as much when it comes to thinking about reasons why not to do things. Kids can be full of inspiring aspirations and hopeful thinking, like my wish that no one went hungry or that everything were free kind of utopia. How many of you still dream like that and believe in the possibilities? Sometimes a knowledge of history and the past failures of utopian ideals can be a burden because you know that if everything were free, that the food stocks would become depleted, and scarce and lead to chaos. On the other hand, we kids still dream about perfection. And that's a good thing because in order to make anything a reality, you he to dream about it first.

In many ways, our audacity to imagine helps push the boundaries of possibility. For instance, the Museum of Glass in Tacoma, Washington, my home state -- yoohoo Washington -- (Applause) has a program called Kids Design Glass, and kids draw their own ideas for glass art. Now, the resident artist said they got some of their best ideas through the program because kids don't think about the limitations of how hard it can be to blow glass into certain shapes. They just think of good ideas. Now, when you think of glass, you might think of colorful Chihuly designs or maybe Italian vases, but kids challenge glass artists to go beyond that into the realm of broken-hearted snakes and bacon boys, who you can see has meat vision. (Laughter)

Now, our inherent wisdom doesn't he to be insiders' knowledge. Kids already do a lot of learning from adults, and we he a lot to share. I think that adults should start learning from kids. Now, I do most of my speaking in front of an education crowd, teachers and students, and I like this analogy. It shouldn't just be a teacher at the head of the classroom telling students do this, do that. The students should teach their teachers. Learning between grown ups and kids should be reciprocal. The reality, unfortunately, is a little different, and it has a lot to do with trust, or a lack of it.

Now, if you don't trust someone, you place restrictions on them, right. If I dou my older sister's ability to pay back the 10 percent interest I established on her last loan, I'm going to withhold her ability to get more money from me until she pays it back. (Laughter) True story, by the way. Now, adults seem to he a prevalently restrictive attitude towards kids from every "don't do that," "don't do this" in the school handbook, to restrictions on school internet use. As history points out, regimes become oppressive when they're fearful about keeping control. And, although adults may not be quite at the level of totalitarian regimes, kids he no, or very little, say in making the rules, when really the attitude should be reciprocal, meaning that the adult population should learn and take into account the wishes of the younger population.

Now, what's even worse than restriction is that adults often underestimate kids abilities. We love challenges, but when expectations are low, trust me, we will sink to them. My own parents had anything but low expectations for me and my sister. Okay, so they didn't tell us to become doctors or lawyers or anything like that, but my dad did read to us about Aristotle and pioneer germ fighters when lots of other kids were hearing "The Wheels on the Bus Go Round and Round." Well, we heard that one too, but "Pioneer Germ Fighters" totally rules. (Laughter)

I loved to write from the age of four, and when I was six my mom bought me my own laptop equipped with Microsoft Word. Thank you Bill Gates and thank you Ma. I wrote over 300 short stories on that little laptop, and I wanted to get published. Instead of just scoffing at this heresy that a kid wanted to get published, or saying wait until you're older, my parents were really supportive. Many publishers were not quite so encouraging. One large children's publisher ironically saying that they didn't work with children. Children's publisher not working with children? I don't know, you're kind of alienating a large client there. (Laughter) Now, one publisher, Action Publishing, was willing to take that leap and trust me, and to listen to what I had to say. They published my first book, "Flying Fingers," -- you see it here -- and from there on, it's gone to speaking at hundreds of schools, keynoting to thousands of educators, and finally, today, speaking to you.

I reciate your attention today, because to show that you truly care, you listen. But there's a problem with this rosy picture of kids being so much better than adults. Kids grow up and become adults just like you. (Laughter) Or just like you, really? The goal is not to turn kids into your kind of adult, but rather better adults than you he been, which may be a little challenging considering your guys credentials, but the way progress hens is because new generations and new eras grow and develop and become better than the previous ones. It's the reason we're not in the Dark Ages anymore. No matter your position of place in life, it is imperative to create opportunities for children so that we can grow up to blow you away. (Laughter)

Adults and fellow TEDsters, you need to listen and learn from kids and trust us and expect more from us. You must lend an ear today, because we are the leaders of tomorrow, which means we're going to be taking care of you when you're old and senile. No, just kidding. No, really, we are going to be the next generation, the ones who will bring this world forward. And, in case you don't think that this really has meaning for you, remember that cloning is possible, and that involves going through childhood again, in which case, you'll want to be heard just like my generation. Now, the world needs opportunities for new leaders and new ideas. Kids need opportunities to lead and succeed. Are you ready to make the match? Because the world's problems shouldn't be the human family's heirloom.

Thank you. (Applause) Thank you. Thank you.

帮我翻译 谢谢谢谢 要准确

Welcome to Beijing

迎接另一个晨曦 带来全新空气 Another morning is coming, and brings in the fresh air

气息改变情味不变 茶香飘满情谊 Our friendship will never change, just like the fragrance of green tea

我家大门常打开 开放怀抱等你 My door is always open for you, and I’m here for you with open arms

拥抱过就有了默契 你会爱上这里 You’d know me better when you hugged me, and you will love it here

不管远近都是客人请不用客气 no matter distance is all the guest, Please don't stand on ceremony

相约好了在一起 我们欢迎你 You are here as promised, friends we welcome you

我家种着万年青 开放每段 I grow green plant at home to show you all the legends in the past

为传统的土壤播种 为你留下回忆 I want to plant in the soil to make you good memories

陌生熟悉都是客人请不用拘礼 Friends and strangers, you are all my guests, and please be at home

第几次来没关系 有太多话题 No matter how many times we meet, there are still a lot to talk about

北京欢迎你 为你开天辟地 Welcome to Beijing, we will show you a brand new place

流动中的魅力充满着朝气 The charm of Beijing is full of life

北京欢迎你 在太阳下分享呼吸 Welcome come to Beijing, let’s breath together in the sunshine

在黄土地刷新成绩 We want to make new record on this yellow soil

我家大门常打开 开怀容纳天地 I always keep my doors open, to welcome the world

岁月绽放青春笑容 迎接这个日期 The old ages is smiling like youth, to welcome this date

天大地大都是朋友请不用客气 We are all friends, please make yourself at home

画意诗情带笑意 只为等待你poetry and Painting With all the smiles, I'm only waiting for you

北京欢迎你 像音乐感动你 Welcome to Beijing, likes the music moved you

让我们都加油去超越自己 Let's working hard and try to go beyond ourselves

北京欢迎你 有梦想谁都了不起 Welcome to Beijing, it’s great to be able to he dream

有勇气就会有奇迹 Just be bre and there will be a miracle

北京欢迎你 为你开天辟地 Welcome to Beijing, we will show you a brand new place

流动中的魅力充满着朝气 The charm of Beijing is full of life

北京欢迎你 在太阳下分享呼吸 Welcome come to Beijing, let’s breath together in the sunshine

在黄土地刷新成绩 We want to make new record on this yellow soil

北京欢迎你 像音乐感动你 Welcome to Beijing, likes the music moved you

让我们都加油去超越自己 Let's working hard and try to go beyond ourselves

北京欢迎你 有梦想谁都了不起 Welcome to Beijing, it’s great to be able to he dream

有勇气就会有奇迹 Just be bre and there will be a miracle

我家大门常打开 开放怀抱等你 My door is always open for you, and I’m wait for you with open arms

拥抱过就有了默契 你会爱上这里 You’d know me better when you hugged me, and you will love it here

不管远近都是客人请不用客气 Be my guest no matter you are from home and abroad

相约好了在一起 我们欢迎你 You are here as promised, friends we welcome you

北京欢迎你 为你开天辟地 Welcome to Beijing, we will show you a brand new place

流动中的魅力充满着朝气 The charm of Beijing is full of life

北京欢迎你 在太阳下分享呼吸 Welcome come to Beijing, let’s breath together in the sunshine

在黄土地刷新成绩 We want to make new record on this yellow soil

我家大门常打开 开怀容纳天地 I always keep my doors open, to welcome the world

岁月绽放青春笑容 迎接这个日期 The old ages is smiling like youth, to welcome this date

天大地大都是朋友请不用客气 We are all friends, please make yourself at home

画意诗情带笑意 只为等待你poetry and Painting With all the smiles, I'm only waiting for you

北京欢迎你 像音乐感动你 Welcome to Beijing, likes the music moved you

让我们都加油去超越自己 Let's working hard and try to go beyond ourselves

北京欢迎你 有梦想谁都了不起 Welcome to Beijing, it’s great to be able to he dream

有勇气就会有奇迹 Just be bre and there will be a miracle

北京欢迎你 为你开天辟地 Welcome to Beijing, we will show you a brand new place

流动中的魅力充满着朝气 The charm of Beijing is full of life

北京欢迎你 在太阳下分享呼吸 Welcome come to Beijing, let’s breath together in the sunshine

在黄土地刷新成绩 We want to make new record on this yellow soil

北京欢迎你 像音乐感动你 Welcome to Beijing, likes the music moved you

让我们都加油去超越自己 Let's working hard and try to go beyond ourselves

北京欢迎你 有梦想谁都了不起 Welcome to Beijing, it’s great to be able to he dream

有勇气就会有奇迹 Just be bre and there will be a miracle






Xi'an is the capital of Shanxi province in China and a

sub-provincial city.As one of the most important cities in Chinese

history,Xi'an is one of the Four Great Ancient Capitals of China for it

has been the capital of 13 dynasties,including the Zhou,Qin,Han,and the

Tang.Xi'an is also renowned for being the eastern terminus of the Silk

Road and for the location of the Terracotta Army from Qin Dynasty.The

city has more than 3,100 years of history.It was called Chang'an in

ancient times.

Since 1990s,as part of the economic revival of

interior China,especially the central and northwest regions,in addition

to a history of manufacturing and solid industrial establishments,Xi'an

has become an important cultural,industrial and educational center of

the central-northwest region,with facilities for research and

development,national security and China's space exploration program.







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Southeast the Guizhou Guizhou Province the Miao national minority Dong minority autonomous prefecture Leishan county thousand household seedling strongholds, are China only he, world unparalleled thousand household seedling stronghold.1285 household Miao Jia lignin house projecting over the water according to Shan Erjian, layer upon layer folds, the imposing manner is row after row broad.West River is the seedling language transliterates, Italy for Miao national minority west collateral series housing place.Because West River thousand household Miao Zhai is living together the multitudinous Miao national minority people, by the reputation is “the seedling all”.In this overling, the height scattered about seedling stronghold deep place, is hiding too many legends and mystical.

The bystander arrives West River, not yet enters to the stronghold in, shocks for its huge scale and the broad imposing manner: Said this is a stockaded village, was not better than said is a forest, a piece by hangs the forest which the foot wooden ceiling will be composed, arrives the foot of a hill from the summit straight shop, will put in order the place mountain all solid to wrap.When the evening time-sharing, in the border the smoke from kitchen chimneys rises from all directions, collects in the midair like the cloud like fog, that scene, beyond description.The border is located in the river valley, four sides hills surrounds, very mountainous.