



Seahorses belong to the family of Syngnathidae. This word

is a bination of o Greek words Syn-meaning fused and Gnathus-which me jaws. Hippcampus is the genus that they belong too. Hippos me horse and campus

me sea-monster in Greek. Facts about Seahorses: International protection was provided to seahorses on May 15th

2004. Seahorses differ in color

some are orange



green and even grey. Zebra stripes and spots

are o patterns that seahorses e in. A herd

is the term a group of seahorses are known as. Seahorses he an interior skeleton. Seahorses are unable to curl their tail backwards. Seahorses belong to the Teleost suborder or bony fish group. The erage lifespan of a seahorse in the wild is estimated to be 1 to 5 years. Seahorses beat their dorsal fins back and forth to propel themselves through the water in an upright position. The food that seahorses eat pass into their digestive systems very quickly as they do not he a stomach and teeth. As the digestion procedure in seahorses is so quick they need to constantly eat to live. Daphnia


larvae or mysids are *** all living things that seahorses feed on. A seahorse that is o weeks old can consume 3000 to 4000 brine shrimp in a day. Seahorses he a single mate for life. Every morning

they e together


change their color

irl around with linked tails and then separate for the rest of the day. While mating

seahorses utter musical sounds. Mating is usually done under a full moon. These little creatures are at risk because about enty-five million of them are being traded around the world

in a span of a year. 小海马由雄海马负责孵育。雄海马的腹部有皮囊,雌海马把卵产在这个皮囊内。卵受精后,约四十~五十天,就孵出小海马来。通常,小海马都在两公分以内。等它们成熟,离开海马爸爸的「育儿袋」后,就必须独立生活了。 海马属于海马科,分布在热带和亚热带的浅海中,喜欢海藻很多的地方。全身披有骨质鳞片,身长大约在十五公分左古右。游泳时,身体直立,用背鳍划水前进,速度并不快。休息时,将尾巴缠绕在海藻上。遇到小虾等甲壳类的小动物,就把他们整个吞进肚里,因为海马没有牙齿可以咬嚼。


Seahorses are a species of fish belonging to the fish family Syngnathidae, which also includes pipefish. The pipefish and seahorse are found in tropical waters all over the Caribean.

Seahorses range in size from 16 mm (the recently discovered Hippocampus denise[2]) to 35 cm. Seahorses and pipefishes are notable for being the only species in which males become "pregnant".[3]

It has a dorsal fin located on the lower body and pectoral fins located on the head near their gills. Some species of seahorse are partly transparent and are rarely seen in pictures.

Sea dragons are close relatives of seahorses but he bigger bodies and leaf-like endages which enable them to hide among floating seaweed or kelp beds. Seahorses and sea dragons feed on larval fishes and amphipods, such as small shrimp-like crustaceans called mysids ("sea lice"), sucking up their prey with their small mouths. Many of these amphipods feed on red algae that thrives in the shade of the kelp forests where the sea dragons live.

Seahorses reproduce in an unusual way: the male becomes pregnant. As stated on The Seahorse Project, "The female inserts her ovipositor into the male’s brood pouch, where she deposits her eggs, which the male fertilizes. The fertilized eggs then embed in the pouch wall and become enveloped with tissues." New research indicates the male releases sperm into the surrounding sea water during fertilization, and not directly into the pouch as was previously thought.[4] Most seahorse species' pregnancies lasts roximately two to three weeks.

Hatched offspring are independent of their parents. Some spend time developing among the ocean plankton. At times, the male seahorse may try to consume some of the previously released offspring. Other species (H. zosterae) immediately begin life as sea-floor inhabitants (benthos).

Seahorses are generally monogamous, though several species (H. abdominalis among them) are highly gregarious. In monogamous pairs, the male and female will greet one another with courtship displays in the morning and sometimes in the evening to reinforce their pair bond. They spend the rest of the day separate from each other hunting for food.







Seahorse检测时将细胞培养在专用的微孔板上,实时检测加入不同药物后的耗氧率(O2 consumption rate,OCR)和胞外酸化率(extracellular acidification rate,ECAR),来表征细胞的代谢状况。其中OCR由线粒体电子传递造成,ECAR则源自乳酸发酵(糖酵解酸化)和线粒体产生的二氧化碳(线粒体酸化)。

OCR用来研究线粒体氧化磷酸化功能。检测时一般先测定正常状态下的基础呼吸(basal respiration),然后加入寡霉素(oligomycin)抑制ATP合酶,这是OCR显著下降,仅余下质子渗漏(proton leak)造成的耗氧率。降低部分即为氧化磷酸化的耗氧率(ATP production)。